Monday, July 27, 2009

And we're off!

7/27 Monday
sailing across! .. we thought it was pretty neat, to be on a ship like this, and have the opportunity to sail! it was so exciting! .. (Right to left) Erica, Holly, my bunkmate!!! Me, kayla, Lauren, and Val. Everyone on board gathered up on the the top deck as we moved across. kinda fun!
So this past weekend we went for a little sail! The ship has been scheduled to sail across the port to refuel for about 3 weeks now. However, every week, it gets delayed to the next weekend, which has become quite comical. But this week, we were told, was THE week. It would take about 24 hours from the time the gang-way was lifted, to sail, refuel, and return... so the plan was to leave around 8am on saturday, and return early morning on Sunday.
We should have know from previous weeks of failed plans, of our very-African-unorganized port, that this weekend, again would not go as planned. As the weekend approached we were told that we would now be leaving Saturday evening. Then it changed to Sunday morning.
So Sunday morning it was. And it was my duty day.. so this meant I had to be up early to set up coffee, juice, water and cookies on the bridge of the ship for the pilot when he came on board.
And I didn't know this before, but every ship has a captain, and every port has a pilot. When ever a ship comes into a port, the pilot comes on board the ship via his pilot-speed boat out beyond the entry of the port. He then navigates the ship into the port since he knows the depths and what not of his port. Interesting.

So I was up at 7:30 to get everything up to the bridge for the pilot. I was thrilled to be on duty actually, because how often do crew get to go up on the bridge??! .. so as I was up there, hanging out with the captain.. =P .. I was told that I miiight want to bring the coffee back down so it wouldn't get cold. Confused, they pointed out the refueling station, which I could see across the port, with another ship still docked in front of it.. They had learned that the currently docked ship believed it were being charged for more fuel that what it thought it had received blah blah.. It.s Africa. their mentality = We will sit. you will wait. you will change your mind. there is no time issues. this will solve the problem.
6 hours later. They must have worked something out across the way, because we finally sailed at 2 pm on Sunday. I brought up the juice, water coffee and cookies to the bridge multiple times upon false alarms.. became good buddies with all the guys up there. Brought them some coffee and cookies of their own. (since they couldn't touch the pilot's food until he himself had had some) and over all it was a fun experience!
..some pictures!
The tug boats! they guided/pulled and tugged us across the way. and then slamed into us to push up us against the dock. It was veryy interesting.
Our home for the night! Isn't it so pretty! We sailed back early Monday morning. (as I slept soundly through the roar of the engine =) good thing I'm a sound sleeper!)

1 comment:

  1. Great job conveying the circumstances, just like being there. Bless you for embracing the situation and serving the crew and the Lord with a positive winsome attitude. So did you loose weight going up a and down to the bridge or gain it because you chowed down on the goodies every time you delivered them to the crew.

    The Lord blessed you with another unique experience, I believe it has a lot to do with having a grateful attitude in serving the Lord in what ever circumstances He ordains. How I wish I could literally be there with you but the blog is a blessed second choice. Love you Lindy, Dad
