Sunday, June 21, 2009

Bab's Dock!

On Saturday it was a guy's birthday on the ship, so about 30 of us ventured out in about 3 land rovers for a 45 minutes VERY bumpy ride to a lagoon. We followed the ocean along a sand "road" or path passing many huts and little villages, boys playing ball in the road, and women carrying hUGE baskets on their heads. They all yell "yovo" as we ride past which sort of means white man, or foreigner in their native language, fon. Their way of shouting this is almost an awarness shout like, they here! but not in an excited tone. It's interesting, and hard to put your finger on it. But then as you wave to them through the open window their faces light up with a smile and they wave back very excitedly. 
So we turned off the road right in the middle of all these village
areas and parked our cars. All of us who had never been to
 Bab's dock before were told we would park, then take a boat ride across the lagoon to the dock where we would spend the day for Sam's birthday.. But  of course we didn't really know what to expect.                                                      So we parked... and we saw this.. ^  ^   ^ .. where we were to meet the boat, for our "boat ride" It definitely wasn't what I expected but I was like okay this is a little amazon-ish .. I'm in africa..? =) roll with it.. are they going
to take us into a swamp and kill us? The boat they picked us up in was very nice and that alone was some type of assurance we were fine. We rode through this crazy marsh/swampy place.. again, a little sketchy and scary..      But  here's the dock once we crossed the lagoon! it was absolutely lovely! It was an buautiful day and we were so thankful it didn't rain. the dock is actually a french ladies house. She built a dock, and charges 4 dollars for the boat ride across the lagoon and hires out 4 local girls to cook and serve food, and then excepts all visitors to buy lunch. But other than that its just come and hangout. There's canoes, kayaks, a small sailboat, hammocks, a water volley ball net, donkeys, and a monkey!!
It was an buautiful day and we were so thankful it didn't rain. the dock is actually a french ladies house. She built a dock, and charges 4 dollars for the boat ride across the lagoon and hires out 4 local girls to cook and serve food, and then excepts all visitors to buy lunch. But other than that its just come and hangout. There's canoes, kayaks, a small sailboat, hammocks, a water volley ball net, donkeys, and a monkey!!

 We had some intense 5 game volleyball games. Country pride.. Brits against 'foreigners' And if you started one game.. they would NOT let you leave until the end of the 5th game.. because then it would be "unfair" =P
Here's some of the girls I hang out with Sarah, Katie, Me, Roxy, and Britni! Katie and I are in the cabin, and the other 3 girls live in the cabin next door.
and here I am with the monkey! grabbing my face, it was so cute! it would press its body against the cage so we would scratch and pet him. And it would put both his hands through the bars and grab your hands. How fun!

So we had a Great time! It was very fun to relax and hangout with everyone like this.
More to come late on the rest of this weekends events!
And Happy Fathers Day DADDY! =)


  1. Our son David is serving on board the Africa Mercy as an assistant cook right now. He is Sam's roommate and told us about the trip to Bab's dock. So I went online to Google it, and what do I find but your blog! Thanks for the great pictures, and I loved reading about your adventures in the hospitality department. God bless you and your ministry.

  2. Gorgeous pictures and lovely journaling as usual, Lindy! Hope you didn't get any mosquito bites!!!!!

    Love, Mrs. Myers

  3. Mr Hensley- I actually gave your son his tour when he first came on the ship! he's a fun guy. and thats so neat you came across my blog.. I told him today at lunch that you had found my pictures. And he seemed quite perplexed being that you didn't know me. But I explained. Enjoy the blog.

    Mrs Myers.. No worries. I have yet to get ANY bug bites! thanks to some super duper deet lotion my mom bought me before I left, its excellent! Thanks for all your sweet comments! =)
