Tuesday, June 9, 2009

fun facts: from the day.. and the ship

  • I learned that I'm in thE only ten birth cabin on the ship. and feel pretty blessed, because although there's a lot more people, I've learned this come with A LOT more space. and  a lot more fun people close by.
  • I've been locked out of my room twice alreadyy =(  (possibly b/c I forget my key?)
  • had an interesting conversation that went a little like this ..with Roses, a lady I was making up rooms with in hospitality:  
Roses: (in a british accent!) "oh my! this bed is upside down!! Lindy come here and feel this.. this is what the bed feels like when the mattress is upside down, see how you can feel the springs sort of popping out.. because its flipped..make sure they are not like this when you make the bed.
 so I walk over feel it .. pause and think a moment. only to say...
me: " oh! thats funny.. because thATTTTS WHAT MY BED FEELLS LIKE!!" 
needless to say.. i flipped my bed over after work this after noon and can not wait to go to bed tonight!
  • there is a pool on the top deck of the ship!
  • there is a "boutique"  in the lowest level of the ship.. basically just any thing, clothes, shoes, decor, items, that someone might not want and puts down there.. and anyone can go and take 3 things at a time.. essentially a mini free thrift store.
  • the crew galley (kitchen) is VERY large... with like 4 stoves, ovens, mixers, everyyything! and I'm excited.
  • Everyone in our department also takes on the job of "cabin checker" which means in the event of an emergency.. OR a drill.. (which is weekly b/c of new crew).. I am assigned a number of cabins for which I'm responsible to check to make sure all the people are out, for the drill. Then I report to the stair checkers. Who report to a even bigger master list.. and If I don't come out of the fire .. after checking on other people making it out of the fire .. they have people assigned to come in after me! haha .. craaazy! .. how comforting! and procedural.. is that a word?  anyways .. 
  • .. I don't think I mentioned this before all the crew have badges that we have to where ALWAYS.. that way they can identify anyone who's not supposed to be on ship .. BUT they take your picture RIGHT when you arrive. so its quite comical. since everyones picture is absolutely awful from traveling like 20 hours. and then snap, photo! .. so its sort of like "oh nice to meet you lindy.. glance.at.your.badge.to.see.what.you.look.like.at.your.worst. haha =)
  • the 8th deck (the top deck is lovely!) its just as if you're on a cruise! .. when your looking out the starboard side that is .. not port side.. b/c that looks into the busy port.. 
  • there's a lady from the town that comes on board very often. And if we buy fabic in town .. and give it to her, she will make us anything! skirts dresses.. whatever.. so I met her today, but I'm excited to have a skirt made!
okayy! much love!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Babe, I sent you a comment from work but at the end realized I did not have access from my computer but I think that is remedied. Lovin your updates and comments and so looking forward to hearing how you slept. Your doing a great job of giving us a sense of the ship layout and your job and circumstances under which you are living. It's great. Looking forward to learning about your roommates and the people you work with and their personalities and their spiritual maturity. How is your time with the Lord and what is He saying to you? Love my girl, Dad

  3. Oh, Lindy, I so love you and your dad......he cracks me up....I'm usin' his last line on my 3 "treasures" the very next chance I get!

    God bless you, sweet girl! I look forward to your updates.

    Love, Mrs. Myers
