Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's coloring time kids!

When I arrived on the ship, a girl had just left the 10 birth the night before. So with 2 empty beds. I was the 8th person. This past weekend 2 more of our cabin-mates left. One was a teacher in the academy and she was here for like 11 months and the other worked in the offsite dental clinic and she was here for 8th months. Anywayyss. We are down to only 6 of us, in this spacious .. well, some might call it apartment.. with the size and functions of our room. ie: kitchenette, table windows. 
Though, today I made up 3 new beds in our room for arriving crew. so we'll be up to 9! .. it's going to be lively and we're all looking forward to it =)

Also, today, among my hospitality duties of making beds, and cards, baking, and a little cleaning.. there's COLORING!

When we make beds up for new crew they look like this!..

 .. with the cover and duvet along the back, stretched along the bed, the  pillow, and a large, medium and small towel .. and then we set these fun little boats in front on the towel! .. and everyone gets a mercy ships nalgene bottle and a pack of about 4 cookies on their bed as well! mmm!

But, part of our job is MAKING THESE BOATS
so I sat out in the cafe folding.. and folding.. (they're sort of like origami..) 
And then, oh dear! they had to be colored! so then I colored! and I got a LOT of jokes and comments about how I had the toughest job on the boat! and boy I wish I had THAT job! and wow look at you, you big 1st grader! =) and so it was fun. But it just makes for a really nice welcome aboard. and we receive a lot of kind notes and complements on how nice it was to have such a nice bed =) So that is very rewarding!  
I think they look pretty nice myself!

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