Monday, June 15, 2009


First weekend on the Mercy ship I mostly caught up my much needed sleep from jet lag and then a full week of work on top of it!
I went to an ice cream parlor in town with a group of kids my age..
I baked some of my mom's banana bread with the local market banana's ... which helped to wake up eating the same tastes and smells of my mom's cooking for a couple of mornings.
I did a lot of reading and laying up on the top deck with girls from my room.
I miiight have gotten a little burnt?
But overall.. I just caught up on rest so I can dive into all the neat opportunities we have to get off the ship.. which I'm excited to do soon!

"Hello, and I will be your tour guide..." 
On the ship, crew members are allowed to have 2 guests and visiting hours are on sunday. So sunday afternoon all the girls in my cabin are all sitting on the floor chatting when a younger woman burst in and asks if two of us are free for the next half hour or so.. Naturally with curiosity we all ask whyyy?? =) .. she says there is a pastor and his family waiting on the dock, and they had had people speak to them from Mercy ships in their town and they very badly wanted to see the ship, and see what it was like, and how the Lord was using this big boat to save so many people, that they had traveled here from Togo, the neighboring country, to try to get a tour of the Africa Mercy. So this lady, that came into our room, new that our room was large, and thought she had a pretty good chance of finding two girls, without guests to sign them in as "our guests" and give them a quick tour of the ship..

So I volunteered. Seeing that I was in the hospitality department and have been shadowing along other tours because within the next week I will have to GIVE tours ... I thought.. what a perfect opportunity! .. So I gave my first tour yesterday to a pastor and his wife, and their two young daughters. And they only spoke french. So we had a man from Benin translate ..he was waiting on the dock for his son to have a surgery. So he got to see the whole thing too!! =) .. but it was neat! and then the pastor prayed for US. They really enjoyed seeing it all.. and were slightly overwhelmed with the enormity of it all. They said that an outreach team had come to togo and spoke to a bunch of pastors on techniques to spread the gospel.. or something along those lines.. in translation. 
So that was kind of neat! and then we sent them on their way! 
xoxo Lindy


  1. Thought I would try to post a comment from work. Way to take advantage of an opportunity. Can you imagine traveling from another country to visit the ship you are on and to think you were the one to bring completion to mission. Wow, what a privilege to serve a man and his family of such great faith and calling. Lord give special covering and blessing to our Togo brother. Love you Lindy, Dad

  2. Hi, Lindy,

    Kelly and I went to the Lancaster, PA area this past weekend so I'm just catching up on your news of Africa! Kelly has tried several times to post a comment to you but is having trouble getting it to go through. She is reading your news, though, and praying for you. Your first paragraph made me smile so big as I thought of how your mom's recipe made you feel a little closer to home and family. It's amazing how certain smells and tastes can evoke such strong memories of home. By the way, where is your sunscreen, young lady????!!!!????? :-)

    Love, Mrs. Myers
