Monday, June 22, 2009

Church down in the ward!

Sunday morning I went to the ward service. Which is simply the service held down in the ship hospital for any of the ward patients and their caregivers that would like to attend chuch. Its in one of the recovery wards, actually the VVF ladies room. Its a hospital room with about 7 beds on either side, no curtains, and they set chairs in the middle isle for any of  the crew who come down. So by the time the service started the room was PACKED with people. There was a VVF recovery patient on each bed plus about 6 more people sitting on the bed around them. Including children on alot of the ladies laps. A lot of the ladies were moms of children having surgeries, so they would have their child on their lap, or baby in their arms. There were chairs also in the hallway and the wards double doors were propped open, so patients were sitting lining the hallway listening as well. 
The bed I happened to sit on was RIGHT next to the speaker.. so as they began to use the mic.. they motioned to me to turn it on, then it was squealing.. and suddenly I became the sound adjuster.. (!!!) ie.. fiddling with random knobs hoping it would affect the sound coming out of the mic =P it was oh so thrilling. Who knew I would come home will all these new skills!
So as the leader began to sing..  it quickly grew very lively. And what we might call worship at home.. is NOTHING compared to these women truly worshiping and singing and dancing and praising the Lord. They are twirling, clapping, using hand motions, and truly exalting the Lord, the most high God in the fullest way and it was absolutely amazinngg to see. You can't help but be moved by their expression of reverence for the Lord. It was very neat. And then we listened to a pastor, from a local church, that came to speak. It was translated from english into french, and then into the local language of fon.  And this is common to have these 3 translations at a service. Most people speak both french and fon, However the less educated people or people from more rural areas might not speak the french. 
So it was very cool to experience. And it was also interesting to sit there.. b/c its obvious that some of these ladies have solid relationships and love for the Lord yet others have their Bible and sit their straight backed, very reserved. So its a testimony in itself from one african lady to the next. Simply by showing their  fervor  for the Lord, it could ignite passion in someone else's heart. And a lot of these ladies are in the VVF ward, recovering.. and they don't have a choice but to sit there since church is in their room! =) they're trapped.. so its one more way they experience the gospel on the mercy ships (not necessarily the most comfortable of ways! but it might be the way that touches them the most!!) =P
And that was church this sunday! I loved it. 


  1. Just read the Sock Golf and Church service blogs. As usually the descriptions and emphasis on words makes it so much fun to read and that much better to understand the emotion of the event. Do they have other venues for church service? How long was the service you attended? What type of music accompaniment was available for the service? Hoping and praying the Lord touches the hearts of all the patients on the ship for spiritual healing and service in His Kingdom. Hoping and praying the Lord continues to use our Lindy girl to minister in deed and word. Thanks for the Father's day remembrance. It was a very good day but we missed you. Luv Dad

  2. They have a church sign up sheet with groups that go to different churches every week. So you can go to all different ones! Some are an hour.. most more like 2 (even 3) hours. by the time all the translation is done. The ward service is only bongo drums, and then all the ladies simply harmonize their own ways .. it was beautiful though! and yes I heard you had a few fathers day treats! =) love you!

  3. Oh, good, Lindy, looks like I only missed two posts, but what treats both those posts are!

    I LOVE the sound of the church service! Beth Moore is always saying that a real, exuberant, thriving relationship with the Lord is most times "caught" and not "taught!" She says her passion for the Lord was "caught" from two very special mentors in her life. I pray for all on the Mercy ship, Lindy, that those who are not saved will experience the life changing love and power of Jesus Christ and that those who are Christians will never be the same again as the Holy Spirit touches your/their lives in such a powerful way. And thank you, Lindy, for your witness in touching the lives of those of us in our comfortable homes....may we never forget how much God has blessed us with and may we find creative ways to touch the lives of others.

    I love you, Lindy.

    Love, Mrs. Myers
    PS Saw your sweet sister, Casey, at her place of business one day last week! Love her too, she's such a cutie!
