Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fun facts / picture diary.

I love this picture because of this little boy. All babies are carried by their mothers like this. Sort of just a trasnfer of the weight from the belly to the back. And you'll see newborns-toddlers cuddled in fabric across their mom's back. It's so cute. And they bounce all around. This was taken at the closest fabric market. As you can see each 'shop' has stacks and stacks of fabrics and colors. Its very fun! .. and then there's seamstress' that come on board that make things for us =)
Here is a lizard. And yes. this is real! they just run around everywhere. This is probably the bigger and crazier of them all. But also the coolest, because its orange. But they are all over! .. and it's a little shocking when you are sitting eating somewhere outside and they just run past the wall right next to your arm!! eek

Here is a fun note we received in hospitality from Sam, who works in the galley. It reads.."Cookie request form: Chocolate Chip." Our cookies are wanted by all. =P

The ship has Gurkha guards in control of the gangway.  They check everyone in and out and are on duty around the clock. There's about 6 of them and they live on the ship with us. If you mention a gurkha over here that would be the equivalent of a marine in the states. So mercy ships likes to spread the word around town that we have gurkha's guarding our ship and gangway so no one messes with us ;)  So this is Ganesh. And he's very sweet! He learns a lot of people names but learned mine quickly from going running in the mornings. and he always says hello to me around the ship. He loves that I have a matching uniform to his on the days that I'm on duty, so he wanted to take a picture. He also provides me with all kinds of his native foods whenever he's cooking his dinners in the galley and i'm baking for hospitality. which is quite a lot. so there we are!   
Here is one of my favorites. This is not necessarily typical.. but possibly necessary.. and more fun. =) I don't really know what's converting what to what.. but it works!
I think this is just so neat. I don't understand how these women (and men) carry crazy amounts of things on their heads. And you see it everywhere, and it's quite smart because a lot of time it is something they might struggle to carry if it wasn't on their heads! But it's just incredible to watch. And they walk, and then turn their heads to look at something, all with such ease.

Basically. This is the delicious bread we get to enjoy every single day. (above is the deep crew galley) This is Eddie on the right, and he is the baker.. and this is the "bakery" part of the galley. (that he is in) and he loves making bread. so he makes every kind. Raisin, cinnamon, oat etc. mmm! it's delicious!

This photo shows a glimpse of the landscape and terrain I've been surrounded by as I've ventured away from the ship these past two weekends. The land is so lush and it's absolutely beautiful. In the midst of the poverty, you see this wonderful world the Lord has created and you can't help but reflect on the glory of the Lord and all He has made. From all ends of the earth. Every bit is so unique and its so beautiful.
Alot of little children are scared when they see white people since they have never seen them before. So when we were in this small village. This little boy's face flooded with fear at the sight of us and he turned and took of running. =P It was almost cute. 

1 comment:

  1. Another wonderful depiction of life in Benin and on the Mercy ship. Thank you Lindy. As your dad I love it when you are in the picture with one of your new friends and we get to see you as well as read your descriptions of activities and pictures. So what does it costs to buy fabric and have a dress made?
