Tuesday, June 9, 2009

First day of work!

okay so today was my first day of work! I've quickly come to learn that everyones day starts and ends a little earlier here on the ship .. well earlier than MY usual day. breakfast is from 6-7:30 (ah!) since most jobs start at 8 and lunch is at 5-6:30 .. earlier than what I'm used to.. 
Anyways, we started with a community meeting and devotional with all of the non-hospital crew and they introduced all the new crew since last week. Then I met the hospitality staff which is only 6 of us. 3 of whom are long-term crew with grown children. and the other 3 of us are younger. Which makes for a fun group. I sort of followed two of them around to all the places we work the most and I've gotten more of a sense of what my job is.. 
  • preparing rooms for new crew.. ie: stripping beds, taking these sheets to laundry room, getting new sheets, towels,and linens from the linen closet, cleaning the empty cabin space, putting new linens and towels on the empty bed. getting cookies (that we bake), mercy ship nalgeen bottle and greeting papers to place on bed. NOTE: the Laundry room is midship 3rd deck, the pantry is in the bow, 6th deck, the lines are in the stern the 5th deck, the rooms are ALL over and everywhere. the kitchen is in the stern on the 6th deck. So we so run everywhere all day. Its crazy! I feel like I walk the same path over 100 times a day.
  • prepare for functions..and basically anyone on the ship can request for hospitality to set up and bring drinks, cookies, coffee, and tea to their "meeting". and this meeting can be anything from 5 crew having a goodbye get together.. to 30 people discussing security procedures.  So we bake bake bake! .. b/c we are the only ones who make the cookies.(from scratch).. and everyone wants them!
  • we make birthday cards and put together cookie packages, and deliver them to peoples cabins. 
  • Part of our job is to meet and greet the new crew... which, just from one day of preparing cabins. I have learned..there are quite lot of them! and we give tours.. which I'm not very excited about.... eek.
  • We serve at special functions on the ship .. just like a waitress would.. in the "Queens lounge" .. where they host very nice dinners for very important guests and large donors or prospective donors.
  • and we Bake!

1 comment:

  1. Reading about your day and the explanations about the ship layout and your tasks is just like being there. Thank you Lindy K. As time progresses tell us about your co-workers and give us some insight as to their personalities and their spiritual maturity. How is your devotional time and what is the Lord showing you in the scripture? I was reading this morning in Psalm 34 and am so convicted that its teaching is the core of a full life on earth. If we fear the Lord we have no wants and if we seek the Lord we lack no good thing. How I hope you have no wants and lack no good thing for in that I will know you fear the Lord and are seeking Him diligently. Luv u honey, Daddy
