Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I always wanted to be a waitress..

Today I volunteered, out of our 5 person hospitality team, to serve for one of the vision trip luncheons.. unbeknownst to me there is usually only one server. And I had NO idea what took place, how they were run, or how much/little was actually done as the "server". So I was given a short run down and thrown in!
 The luncheon was for 20 people, with 5 tables, and me. 
I had to get dressed up in my little uniform.. (pictures to come) It was buffet style and I was responsible for dismissing tables for food, clearing all the plates, dishing out and serving the dessert, and pouring and serving either tea and coffee! So it wasn't bad. But I was definitely running all around .. trying to keep everything flowing from one  table clearing and setting and refilling to the next! .. I suppose like any normal waitress might do.. But I really did enjoy it. And was told numerous times how wonderful a job I did, which was so encouraging, being that I felt like I had no idea what I was doing going into it!.. And now I've been told.."Great Lindy! There's one on Tuesday next week and another one the next friday!" =P .. Apparently no one really likes serving for these functions.. but I rather enjoyed it =)

The luncheon was held for the vision trip that's here visiting.. which I have explained previously. And this vision trip is a group of guys from Holland. They all work in the holland mercy ships offices .. or work for the companies that the holland offices deal with regularly. And they are the ones who organize and ship over all the containers of food and one other large container.. for something. Anyways .. the mercy ship office guys have brought over some of these men they work with from other companies so they can get a better idea of mercy ships and our mission. And possibly feel led to contributing to all the amazing things God is doing through this organization. 
So todays luncheon was all these guys plus all the heads of the departments of the ship. And they each stood up and shared a little bit about what their department does, and how they contribute to this smooth running organization. 
So I suppose I could say I  found it so interesting because I'm nosy??? .. I don't know, just a guess. 

But its also kind of cool, because now I see these guys all around the ship as I'm hauling bed sheets and mattress covers, and bed spreads and they're like heyy your that girl who was..! =) and they just get more familiarized with the multiple roles that everyone does to contribute and make it all happen.

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Tonight I went for a run on the dock.. and then after a bit ended up heading into town with a few girls that were walking out the gates.. which was fun! we stopped in this little tiki- hut drink area and had some refreshments!
Also .. the rainy season has begun.. which means there's a tonnn of rain.. which is sort of depressing. you think africa. Hot. very sunny. dry. WELL. its still hot. but its wet and humid. very sticky because all the rain. and we're already inside the ship all day.. and with the rain.. we can't really even go out on the upper decks or the dock..  =( so prayers for some beautiful sunshine!  =D 
Much love, Lindy

1 comment:

  1. Your horizons are being broadened in so many ways. Now you can say you have server/waitress experience and land some big time job offers state side as a waitress and apply that toward your college tuition. I am sure you did a great job but imagine, because you were so interested in what was said, suddenly realizing a table needed to be cleared. How did you get around that tendency? Love those blog updates, it's just like being there. Keep them coming. Luv that girl, Dad
