Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Nurse Lindy!

Well.. not quuiiite nurse Lindy...
but today I got my first preview to my future in nursing .. I was able to watch a surgury! .. And as I was telling my mom about it on the phone. she was like, "Oh,.. so you were looking overhead through a glass, or standing in another room".. and I was like, "no. I was two feet behing the surgeons". It's africa! =)

Anyways, by the grace of God I was able to watch one within one week of being here! For which I am very greatful. Everyone says its very difficult to watch surgeries and to get on the list to watch, and that they mostly squeeze you in to watch one right before you leave. But due to a series of events.. I was able too. (which I sort of explained in a post below) However, it was very exciting! and I loved it! I was let off work for the 2 hour long VVF surgury. And the two VVF surgeons, who I flew in with, were very fun, and talking and explaining and joking with me and the other nurses the whole time. And the circulating nurse in the room was explaining everything, from every cut, slice, snip, muscle, and tissue as the surgery was going on. So it was a VERY neat experience!! I feel so fortunate!

ps. surgery was at 8:30am.. I then proceeded to wear the scrubs ALL DAY LONG.. they're like wearing pajamas! for work! .. how nice =)

... ANd this was my blog yesterday.. but I Accidentally saved my post instead of posting it! =/

1 comment:

  1. PJ's! sounds nice! except for all the cutting and slicing you observed. i. could. not. handle. that.

    but i know you are bound for something Great BECAUSE THE LORD HAS GREATNESS PLANNED FOR YOU!

    love you sis!
