Wednesday, June 10, 2009

VVF surgery.

Today I talked to my daddy on the phone, which was so nice! and I was telling him how I always have so many things during my day that, as it happens, I make a mental note to write about it.. but when it comes time.. I can only write about so much. So.. today what stood out to me the most was this:

First of all.. let me start by saying.. of all the surgeries on the ship, one they do is called vesicovaginal fistula (VVF).

VVF usually results from a prolonged labor with delivery only after the death of the baby. (often due to complications that might require a c-section, and no medical help or fear of appearing weak) During the labor process, the baby’s head and the woman’s pubic bone form a vice, cutting off blood flow to the tissue trapped in this area. Following delivery, the now dead tissue sloughs away, leaving an abnormal opening between the birth canal and the bladder (less frequently the rectum). Unable to control the flow of urine (and/or feces), the woman is perpetually wet. Her husband and sometimes, even her community frequently abandons her. Hope Reborn: Liberia provided reconstructive surgery, helping to restore the lives of women who had been suffer ing with this condition.

So, one of the things Mercy Ships does, is, obviously, repairs these tears.. and then since these ladies are basically a new person! .. in society, and in their family. the second is that they give them a ''dress ceremony'' and they receive and brand new outfit and headpiece and have a huge ceremony. Which I can't wait to experience.

But back to my story.. I was making up a cabin for a new crew member down on deck 3.. which is mostly the hospital but the very front of the bow has a few nurses cabins.. so I'm about to come up the stairs and I hear this loud singing sort of praise, repetative, gorgeous chantlike song down the ward... So of course I stop and listen. And as a nurse comes out I asked her what was going on.. thinking maybe its one of these dress ceremonies. But no. as I take a look ,and she explains.. its simply the vvf recovery ladies. And they are only doing they're regular stretches and walking up and down the ward for exercise. But they are already rejoicing and praising the Lord for they have been renewed. And they have seen first hand the same sort of grace we have been given from the Lord. For no reason they were chosen, from the many women with this problem to be made new.. to live free from this contstant leaking. And now they are a new person. Just as we have been, for no reason at all.. give the grace and mercy of Christ Jesus. and through Him. We can live a new life. Free from our past sins. but I was just so touched to see these ladies so thrilled .. I'm thinking so far ahead as to this dress ceremony and their already rejoicing during their recover. It was very neat.

On a whole other note: Today was my first day of BAKING! in hospitality! very fun! i made one batch.. with it was a normal batch .. like quadrupled it was like 100 some cookies =) it was funn we did 2 types, and tomorrow 2 more!

And on an even lighter note! .. I'm discovering all these fun activities that EVERYone seems to offer/do on the ship .. tonight roxy (the youngest girl on hospitality) and I went to aerobics. (after our baking day .. it was probably a good idea!) which was challenging and really fun! and the other morning I woke up and went running on the dock. They have groups that go out at vairious time for various distances. which is fun. And theres yoga, water aerobics, line dancing, soccer, swimming, aerobics, and morreee! how fun.

okay thats enough for tonight! love lindy =)


  1. When I did not think it could get any better than talking to Lindy K for 15 minutes in the middle of my work day, I come home and read the blessing of VVF surgery and the clear, beautiful picture you have painted of God's grace in physical renewal and restoration through the gifted hands of a surgeon and our spiritual renewal and restoration through the sacrifice of our Lord. Thank you Mercy ships, thank you my dear Lindy, thank you Jesus. Lord may you continue to shine in and through the women of Benin and transform a nation, a continent, a world. To God Be The Glory and to my girl, give her eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart overflowing with your love, joy and peace. Good night and sweet dreams, Dad

  2. Lindy, your words describing the picture of the VVF ladies brought tears to my eyes. I only wish I could have heard the beautiful chanting. Your story made me think of the woman with the issue of blood who touched the hem of Jesus' garment and was healed. I imagine she must have broken out into a song of praise, too. I will go to sleep tonight with the thoughts of those precious ladies on my mind and the prayer that many others will also be "chosen" to be healed physically but more importantly, spiritually. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful picture of God's grace.

    Love, Mrs. Myers
